Sunday, October 21, 2007

#12 Roll your own search engine with Rollyo

Rollyo - a good idea to limit the amount of sources you are searching, especially if you usually search the same sites in succession.

Rollyo seems to be very slow the few times I have tried it. The searches from your customized search rolls still include advertising, and I couldn't work out how the results were being displayed. As with all federated searches, you do not necessarily get the same results as you would going into each site separately.

We could use such subject sites in the library to highlight useful sites, but as with any collection of sites we would have to check them for changed content, dead links etc. Rollyo would have to stick around and prove it's worth before I would consider this option. It would be a pity to have a great set of subjects marked, and then lose the content when the site is sold, goes out of business etc. This would be the same for any non library controlled environment.

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